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Our Broken Health Care System: 3 Years in the Hospital With No Way Out!

August 18, 2010

I had a friend down the shore this weekend who told me an amazingly sad story about a friend of his.

A 52 year old married man with a 7 year old son has been in the hospital for the past 3 years.  He has a rare disease called Pompe disease
which has forced him to live on a respirator.  His doctors feel he is
well enough to go home, however his medical insurance company, Aetna,
will not cover his needed home health care.  His more expensive in-hospital care is being covered by Medicaid!  According to NorthJersey.com he is:

caught in an insurance quagmire — smack between inadequate coverage
by Aetna and Medicare and ineligibility for standard Medicaid coverage.

This unfortunate story is but another example of the absurdity of our current health care system.  I have referred this to a lawyer friend who has gone up against the insurance industry very successfully in the past.

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